improve websites ranking mindmap

Improve A Website Ranking using SEO

Ever wonder how you can improve a website ranking? SEO is a way for companies to get involved in the search engine world. It is also a way for companies to get themselves found by potential leads. SEO is played out through various techniques and strategies that involve a company’s site, content, links and tags.

This section talks about how SEO can help businesses grow by getting themselves using various strategies of internet marketing. It is important to make sure that the site has all the information about the product. To ensure this, many companies come up with unique content for their website.

Apart from this, there are a few other ways that can help a company improve their ranking on search engines.

Here are five ways to improve your site’s ranking using SEO:

Keyword research

Keyword research is a crucial aspect of the SEO process. It is a simple task to do but it helps in boosting rankings in search engines. Keyword research can be done by many people with different expertise and skillsets, including SEOs, marketers, copywriters and social media managers. It can be done manually but some tools automate this process.

Optimizing the meta tags and robots.txt file

Robots.txt and meta tags are key SEO factors, and by optimizing them correctly, you can ensure that your website’s content is indexed to the fullest extent possible. A robots.txt file is a text file at the root of a website containing instructions for web crawlers about which parts of a site they’re allowed to index and which parts they should ignore.

A meta tag is an HTML tag that provides metadata about webpages to search engine crawlers, e.g., keywords or descriptions of content on those pages. Since these two files are so important in ensuring that the content on your website is indexed properly. It’s important to keep them up-to-date with the latest information and instructions as often as possible.

Create unique content

It is too easy for writers to find themselves stuck in the mindset of writing about popular topics that everyone else has already written about. The truth is that many different topics can be original and have never been seen before.

By writing about something new and creative even if they don’t think anyone would want to read it, they could end up attracting a whole new audience. It is important to find what interests you when it comes to your niche of choice and to invest time in researching that topic to avoid any future frustration. The first thing you need to do is to find a topic. You can do this by browsing the top 5 sites for your niche, or by taking a survey of your interests.

This will give you a better understanding of what could be the best niche for you. Once you have found your niche, you need to create an outline and a timeline for your research. This outline should consist of everything you will be researching from general facts to more specific information.

Use schema markup (rich snippets)

Schema markup allows you to specify the type of content and categorise it concerning other content on the page.

Google has been working on schema markup since 2011. It is a collection of schemas that offer users a better understanding of the data on your site.

They help improve how Google understands and displays your content in search results.

Schemas can be used for things like reviews, products, people, recipes, businesses, and much more.

Include keywords in the URL structure

There are many ways to include keywords in URLs. The most popular method is using the “keyword” meta tag. Make sure that the keyword(s) is in the filename, and use a descriptive file extension.

The keyword meta tag is also known as HTML metatags is one of the best ways to include keywords in the URL structure.

Key Takeaway

The conclusion to this section is that to optimise a website for search engines, there are five areas of focus.

When these areas are well managed the website will rank higher with search engines. 

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352

women looking for reasons

Reasons Your Website Is Slow, Get It Fixed ASAP!

Have you ever felt frustrated when you visit a website that takes forever to load? There are several reasons why your website is slow. When you are developing a website, make sure to make it convenient for your users. It should be user-friendly and effective for them because many hosting providers provide the same service as you in the world of technology and the internet.

If your website is slow and takes time to load, people will get bored of it and lose interest. This way, you will lose a lot of your audience and traffic. It won’t be good for your ranking also. If you want to attract people to your website, it should be fast and easy to operate. 

Many reasons can make your website get slower. It would help if you fixed them as soon as possible to gain benefits for your website. 

Top 5 reasons why your website is slow

If your website is slow, it can be very frustrating for your audience. Many reasons can prevent your website from loading faster. We will discuss the most common reasons that you should get rid of in the priority. 

Excessive overload on your database 

Overload or overhead in your database can give rise to many problems, including slowing down your website. You can fix this problem by optimizing your database and getting rid of extraneous items and materials. It will also timeout your web server because it will be waiting for the response from your database, which will be slow because of overhead. Things like redundant code and improper sized images can make your website speed go down.

Optimization of CSS

CSS is responsible for styling the pages of your website. If it is not up to the mark and optimized like JavaScript, it will take time for your website to load. You can get rid of this problem by optimizing your CSS software. 

JavaScript issues

JavaScript is considered best for adding content to your website that can look appealing. However, if you don’t know how to use JavaScript on your website effectively, it will make the loading speed of your website cripple, which can cause serious problems while loading your website. 

You can get rid of this problem by fixing your JavaScript issues and enhancing your skills while using JavaScript for your website. 

Not Using A CDN Network

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a method where your content will be located at several locations around the globe. The content will be stored at those servers and served to the user closest to the location they are browsing your website on. Having those content nearer to the user location, allows them to load up the content quicker. One of the popular CDN would be Cloudflare, the free-to-use tier is enough for the website to load faster.

Caching Techniques

Caching techniques can be very helpful for the website to store its most-used information in a specific section. If you are not using caching techniques for your website, it can be a problem. Your website will start having loading issues. You can resolve this issue by immediately getting caching techniques for your website to make it work faster and better. 

Final Remarks:

It is important to keep your website well maintained to get more traffic and an audience on your website. If you want to increase the performance of your website you have to get rid of all the above-mentioned problems.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352

mistakes finding

Mistakes To Avoid When Developing A Software

If you want to develop one of the best software, it is often a challenge to make sure you do not make any mistakes. You must plan and execute things better when developing software. It is important to follow the plan as building software will take time and money. So, you should pay attention to details to make your new software a success. Many people have unique ideas, but they fail with their digital products because of some common mistakes. Let’s find more about the mistakes you should avoid while developing your own software.

The most common mistakes people make when developing a software

We will discuss some of the common mistakes that many software developers make. 

Hands-on Without Experience

It is one of the most common mistakes made by software developers. It happens when a person does not know anything about coding. In a business, proper planning and strategy are required when you are working on software. Especially so when the software you’re working on requires a huge amount of time and effort to develop. If there is no planning in the development of the software, the project will most likely fail. 

So, make sure that you learn how to do the coding if you want to go with hands-on coding. Otherwise, seek out a professional who will be able to advise and give the necessary consultation for you to build your software.

Lack of Resources and Knowledge

The most challenging part of not making mistakes is if you have no knowledge about software development, it is beneficial not to go for it. You will end up making something that will not be called software from any angle. It is important that you research and find out about software development before production. The lack of knowledge will only cause complications for you. The lack of resources will also be an issue, developers take months to work on the project but if the budget you’re providing is a lot lesser than the proposed budget. It could end up with a half-finished/broken product and leave you with a lot of complications.

No Knowledge of Infrastructure

If you understand how your software works, the developers will have more clarity on your project. Not knowing how your software infrastructure is will only confuse your developers and allow them to work based on an assumption. It would be best that you lay out all your software requirements and features that will properly engage your developer/agency so they can give their advice, comments and recommendation on implementation and improvements to the current structure.

Inability To Understand User Language

Before developing software, you have to get a grip of user language. If you face issues in understanding the technical language, it will result in mistakes. You have to understand the user language before giving rise to any software. It is also important to know all the tools required for software development before making one. 

Not Using The Design Patterns.

Design patterns are there for a reason. You have to make use of them while developing your software. If you are not using design patterns for your software, it is one of the mistakes to are making. Make use of suitable design patterns to make your software stand out among all. 

Final Remarks:

Software development is complicated get easy for the people who know how to develop it effectively. You have to make sure that you are excelling in all the necessary information and knowledge about software development. It would help if you were not afraid to make changes in your software and should accept all the mistakes because this is going to make your software a success. You can read more about web development trends at this link here

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352

woman thinking of hard coding

Hard Coding Vs Site Builders, What Is The Best Option?

Hard Coding or Site Builders? The world is growing very fast on a technical level. Every business is starting to digitise, which is why you will need software and websites for your business. All businesses require some form of digitisation to keep up with the trend, it is also not complete without having software and websites. 

To develop websites and software, you need to use a lot of tools. You can use hard coding and site builders along with many other options. However, you have to know the technology and skills that will work well for you. It is only possible if you know the advantages and disadvantages of both methods so that you can decide well for yourself. 

Hard-coding and site builders which one should you choose?

If you are developing your website, you can hire a developer to do proper coding to build your website.  Different coding languages such as PHP, Laravel, and C# are some of the famous languages. Many people use CMS driven site builders such as WordPress, Shopify, Wix and Squarespace.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, you can choose the most convenient one for you because if one thing is working best for an individual, it does not mean it will work the same way for you too. 

Factors to choose what is best for you:

Below are some of the factors.

Security comparison

If you want to keep your code secure, it is recommended to go for hard coding. It will keep your code secure better than the site builder. Hard coding can take more time than site builders, but it will provide you with more security, and it is also safer to use. 

Easy to make changes

Your code will not be correct and up to the mark on your first try. you will have to keep making changes from time to time. 

  • If you have coded it yourself by hard-coding, it will be very easy to make changes in your code, but you can get in trouble if you make a little error.
  • If you want convenience while making changes, it is recommended to go for site builders.

Site builders usually provide a drag and drop facility while developing the website, which can be easy for you.

Easily available SEO

If you have hard-coded your website, it will be very easy to get SEO Services for it. Search Engine Optimization is important for the website because it can provide rankings and engagements. You can manage the different pages with SEO. On the other hand, if you want to automate your SEO stuff and make things easy for you to market your website, site builders are always recommended.  You can add different types of plugins to get things going with Site Builders.

Grow as a developer 

Hard-coding can help you in growing as a developer. You will learn many techniques and coding to give a boost to your website and other software. If you want to enhance your learning skills and be productive, you should go for hard coding. There are many advantages of hard-coding, which is why it is the most convenient and recommended method to use. 

Final Remarks:

Coding is possible in many ways. However, there are many advantages of hard coding. Some of the most common advantages are discussed in detail.  Site builders are also good if you don’t want to get into coding and automate things. You can choose any according to your preference.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352

digital marketing

Importance of Digital Marketing to run your business successfully.

Digital marketing is a useful tool you can make use of to build your branding. Whether you plan to take your business online or not, you must plan to take the marketing online. It is because this is the era of the internet, and everyone has access to it. It means that if you use this opportunity in the right way, this can bring fruitful benefits.

The reasons why Digital Marketing is essential for a successful business

When it comes to using digital marketing for your business, there are several reasons why you should do it. However, here we will be discussing only a few of them.

Digital marketing provides a road to success with a lot of goals to achieve.

When you are not making use of marketing or physical marketing, many of your customers will not know your products. Many businesses don’t make full use of advertisements to improve their business reach. It is one of the worst strategies for a successful business in this era.

When you are doing digital marketing, you have to keep a check on several things. These little checks are the goals that you try your best to achieve. In this way, goal after goal, you gain the ultimate success.

1. You will always stay ahead in the competition.

You need to understand that you are not in the market alone. There are some competitors, and some will be joining in the future. When you use digital marketing for your business, you will stay ahead of the competition. It is because the startups will not get a huge audience. At the same time, you will be early in the game compared to your competitors.

2. It will make you reach out to a lot of customers in no time.

As this is the internet era, everyone has a mobile phone or other types of computer. At the same time, everyone has access to the internet and social media, and people use it. When you do digital marketing, you will be reaching out to all of these people on the internet.

It will not only save a lot of time, but it will also be very cost-efficient. The reason here is that you do not have to do physical marketing that takes many resources.

3. You can effectively use the analytics for your benefit.

Traditional ways of marketing provide no analytics or insights. However, you can get analytics from different tools about your digital marketing strategy. Not only can you get it, but you can also implement this information. You can implement the analytics information according to the region and the interests of the audience. In this way, your digital marketing strategy will become more effective.

4. You can make people trust you.

Everyone has access to the internet and social media platforms. You can use this opportunity to build trust among people. All you need to do is to show your authority. Leading people on the different online platform can easily do it. People who trust you will spread awareness among their contacts, which will extend your brand awareness among people quickly.

Important Takeaway

If you do not have any digital marketing strategies, this is the right time to build one. If you do not do this today, it will be too late for the success of your business. Here we were discussing several reasons why digital marketing is crucial for your business’s success.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352

web development

Top 5 web development trends you need to follow in 2021

Web development is very important in your business in this era where technology is revolutionising, competition is growing day by day. Every day, something new needs to be learned or followed to get successful and make your business grow.

Similarly, you need to integrate top-notch web development trends to increase user engagement for your business to become visible. Web development trends are of many kinds, but they do change every year accordingly. 

These trends are crucial for those people who want to be stable and steady in the business world. Today, we will discuss the top 5 web development trends that you need to follow in 2021.

Development trends: Top 5 to follow in 2021

Below are the top 5 most popular web development trends of 2021. 

1. Voice search

Back in the days before the year 2020 or 2021, every business site had an option for asking questions or searching through written text.

But now people prefer searching by voice. People are giving more priority to audio search over text searching. It is more convenient for the users.

  • Main reason due to which a lot of web development sites are now integrating audio or voice search into their business websites.
  • It helps you increase the growth and number of your potential clients. 

Usage of voice search helps users save time by simply saying what they want to know instead of typing the whole sentence.

2. Motion UI to build engagement 

Another top web development trend to follow in 2021 is Motion UI. 

A business or any other website requires animation and pictures to grab the user’s attention within seconds without being traditional.

  • Current latest trend emerging in the year 2021 is motion UI. 
  • By integrating this web development trend into your website, you can add animated pictures and animated backgrounds by which you can give an idea of your business or brand to the users as an introduction.

3. Mobile-friendly websites

One of the trending web development is also mobile-friendly websites. By this means, you need to create sites that are optimised on mobile phones as well.

In recent times, many people have mobile phones instead of computers or laptops. Therefore, if you want to increase the number of users on your website, you must create a mobile-friendly (responsive) website.

Every site should include easily readable and bold text links that are available readily.

4. Blockchain

Blockchain is also one of the most trending web development trends that you must follow in 2021. The technology allows two-way transactions by making sure there is no fraud or fake activities on both sides.

By integrating Blockchain into your website development, you can know that everything is verified. It helps in increasing the cash flow since it provides data with clarity and no doubts.

5. Dark mode

Lastly, the trending web development that you must follow in 2021 is Dark mode. It is pretty helpful and essential to attract more customers and users to your site.

This mode allows the users to work in the dark without the screen becoming too bright. It helps many people who suffer from eye problems, and it gets easier for them to work under such conditions.

Final Remarks:

Those above-specified points are the top 5 web development trends that you need to follow in 2021. You need to make sure you give what users feel easy and exciting to use. If you don’t value the user’s likes and dislikes, your business and traffic will suffer.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352


How you can make your website design perfect for SEO purposes

SEO stands for Search engine optimisation. It is a strategy that can boost your business website if it is built accordingly for SEO purposes.

Nowadays, competition is tough in the business world. A lot of entrepreneurs have learned the skills to manage and introduce their websites to customers. And one of the best ways to increase your website engagements and interactions is to make your website design by following the guidelines on SEO.

Today, we will be discussing how you can make your website design perfect for SEO purposes.

How you can make your website design perfect for SEO purposes

There are various ways by which you can create an ideal website design for SEO purposes. Some of the top ones are specified below.

1. Good UI

Good UI means good user interference. If you want to make your website perfect for SEO purposes, you need to make sure that your website includes a good UI. Try to use animations and pictures on your website to enhance the UI of your website. 

Make sure to keep the interface simple and user-friendly. The more user-friendly your website is, the better the UI will be. Also, use simple language, and make a proper page layout to enhance the user interface of your website.

It increases the possible interaction between users and the website. It enhances the reach, working, and efficiency of your website that helps you attract potential users.

2. Good interlinking of pages 

Another best way to make your website design perfect for SEO purposes is to do good interlinking pages. It is crucial because popular search engines like Google and Bing use links to find the content. The more the links on your web pages, the more they will be deemed authentic by search engines. 

High-quality links also help Google understand the relevancy and the relationship of the content within your pages. Interlinking also helps Google determine the authenticity and value of your web pages.

It also increases the visibility of your website and increases visits to other pages of your website by making your website trend in the top search and displayed web results.

3. Selecting the right font and colours combine to make it easy for users

While making your website design perfect for SEO purposes, make sure to choose the correct font sizes and colour combinations as well.

Be mindful to choose a font that is not too big or too small. It should be an average-sized font that is readable by everyone. Also, make sure to use dark and subtle colour combinations to make it easier and comfortable for your users.

4. Keeping the website light to improve website load speed

Most web designers compromise their website performance by filling their websites with too many images, excessive content, etc. 

All these factors can affect the loading speed of your website. To make your website design perfect for SEO purposes, you should keep the website light and easy without adding anything extra. 

Doing this will make your website loads faster and easy to use. It also enhances the user interface, which will also help you make your website design perfect for SEO purposes.

5. Remove heavy images and plugins that make your site load slow 

A slow website usually means that it cluttered with many improper sized photos and plugins affecting its loading speed. Such issues can hurt the user experience and can cause your website to lose its reputation.

Low speed or web pages that lag can be annoying for the users, decreasing the amount of user’s attention towards your website. Therefore, to make your website design perfect for SEO purposes, remove heavy images and plugins that take a lot of space and storage for better site performance.

The above-specified points are the perfect way to make your website design perfect for SEO purposes.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352


website design

The importance of good website design for your company

A good website design with more visibility and attracts more customers generating more sales. Some entrepreneurs do not recognize the value of having a good and professional website design for their company.

it is extremely important to have a professional website design to improve the visibility of a company in all its aspects.

Thinking about it, we decided to publish an article showing the importance of a professional website design. Emphasizing that having a good designer in your company can contribute to many factors related to your business.

In addition to creating good logos, the role of a designer can contribute to visual communication in your company. They also promote innovation and the best solutions for various products and services for your company, a good professional will always be looking for a way to surprise the consumer’s wishes.

What is a Designer?

A designer works based on the visual expectations of a company, putting into practice the characteristics, being aesthetic and functional, an idea, or a message, encompasses all visual communication, with strategic planning prioritizing the company’s interests to attract its ideal target audience.

The importance of a designer.

All planning is necessary before putting into practice the wishes of a company. Therefore, research needs to be done that involves strategies to find an ideal target audience.

And to bring visual identity, a good designer needs to understand the feelings that induce the bond between companies and future customers,

that is, a designer brings this experience of being able to add the values ​​that unite both parts.

Therefore, it is necessary to give value to this professional, as he is of great importance to his business.

4 Considerations about the importance of good design for your company

1- Quality of the logo and images, a good designer takes care of a company’s visual identity.

2- Increased interactivity with your customers, among other words, brings an effective relationship, thus generating more sales and partnerships for your company.

3- Increase in profits progressively, so this professional is extremely important.

4- Aiming at the costs to create a strong brand and contributing to your marketing strategy to be well optimized, all this contributes to reducing your company’s expenses.

If we find that all competitors’ products have practically the same technology, cost, and performance, what can make your brand stand out from the rest? It’s not a miracle, it’s not magic, it’s Design.”

Several methods help you obtain fundamental results to establish how you intend to position yourself in the market. These analyzes must be carried out by qualified experts who know how to adapt the company’s available resources to the needs of the market and the expected aims.

With all this information, we can say that a good designer provides all the structure within a marketing strategy for your company, because it is able to show the soul of your company to the world.


So we conclude that a good designer has great importance in all strategies related to attractive marketing, thus benefiting both customers and companies.

And don’t stop there; do you want to hire a good website designer to expand your business?

Are you looking to hire the best Web design company and Web development company? Fervorelab is the best web development company in Singapore; we work to see your company’s success and development, we put your brand in priority

Which brings us to why we have great solutions in our “services” menu, take a look. Our goal is the satisfaction of our customers, that’s why we work hard and strive every day, to exclusively bring innovation and satisfaction to your company.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352


What is e-commerce and why is it important to my growing business?

E-Commerce has been around for quite some time, the Internet was the key that drove the rise of e-commerce, and consumers are increasingly getting to know the digital ecosystem.

In recent years, companies that have decided to implement e-Commerce have experienced greater growth in their sales.

Companies that want to have an effective internet presence cannot settle for a corporate website that only provides information.

In these times, electronic commerce has proven to be a great business route for those who know how to take advantage of this new business opportunity.

Today purchasers are used to buying online, and payment methods are more diverse and reliable, thanks to PayPal, for example.

This brings the buyer closer to the online shopping experience, with more confidence and already fully adapted use.

Therefore, the implementation of online stores by companies is increasing every day, they are an excellent complement for businesses with physical establishments

In some cases, it ends up being as or more important than these (as in the case of the pandemic that companies had to deal with).

We share below the advantages of electronic commerce for both consumers and those who market goods and services through the network:

Valuable information

Data analytics is very important in e-commerce. When a person enters a website, their activity is recorded. A website collects user cookies that can be used to increase sales.

In this way, strategies based on visitor behavior can be developed.

Scope and availability

When creating an online business, anyone residing anywhere in the world can access your commercial website and purchase your products or services.

The display of the product catalogs and the availability to carry out commercial transactions do not depend on business hours, they are available at any time.

Low costs

Starting an e-commerce business involves lower costs than traditional commerce: website, own domain, powerful hosting, and web optimization.

The logistics of distribution routes are improved or the reduction of intermediaries. So the buyer benefits from a lower final price.

Management speed and flexibility

It only takes a few days to create an efficient and attractive website for customers, customizing, and optimizing it takes a little more time.

The management of all trade areas is easily managed by intuitive computer programs that enable efficient management of orders, product stock, and customer portfolio, among others.

Creation of new business relationships

E-commerce democratizes the commercial agreement, that is the role between customer and supplier is diluted by operating both under the same transactional framework.

So there can be C2C (consumer to consumer), B2B (business to business), B2C (business to consumer), and even C2B (consumer to business) relationships.

Opportunity to differentiate from the competition

The logistics processes and return policies must be taken care of to ensure good customer service, so that the public will trust the company and its products more.

By paying attention to the quality of customer service, you can maintain a captive and loyal audience. 

Creating an e-commerce site

The first step is the structure of a website, which is a complementary tool to the company’s portal

(In this valuable information of the business core is presented such as mission, vision, values, who we are, etc.)

Currently, many creative and dynamic tools attract people’s attention, the corporate image must be taken into account to be consistent with what you want to project.

There are systems or programs such as ERP (Enterprise resource planning) that already have this functionality to establish a store or have online transactions.

This type of software also has high cybersecurity standards to safeguard business and customer data.

The functionalities that can be integrated into a virtual store can be as many as desired.

The end-user must always be taken into account how these functionalities will improve their consumer experience within our portal. 

All the previously shared advantages point to the same direction: efficiency. Living in times of economic conjuncture, which can be seen as a threat.

We can rethink it as a unique opportunity to digitize ourselves and make our company more efficient, maximizing and taking advantage of the competitive advantages that the Digital Era offers us.

Every day more companies are making use of digital spaces to make sales, and those companies that still do not have an online sales presence are losing their position on the Internet compared to their competitors.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352

It will be a pleasure to chat with you about your business goals. We offer specific solutions to take advantage of the opportunities for each company!

professional website

Professional website development – Why it is so important for your company

Professional website is crucial to every business, having a professional website is important for every business, even if it’s a small business. The digital world has come to expand the business and to open up many other business opportunities.

If you are an entrepreneur and do not yet have a blog or professional website for your company, you are not taking advantage of a chance for growth.

Can I create my professional website?

This is a subject that is often discussed on the social network. Many blogs claim that creating a website is simple.

You will find several articles on the web stating that anyone can create such a page in a few minutes.

But that’s not how things work, and many entrepreneurs have gone awry when trying to create a website for their company.

It is really very simple to create a website today. WordPress is the most used platform for this, but it is very limited to plugins.

But although it offers very intuitive creation tools, you will hardly be able to give your site a professional look.

Having a professional website is fundamental to the success of any business,

That’s because consumers feel safer to make a purchase from companies that seem more serious.

It is not an assumption or common sense, the numbers state it!

Is it expensive to hire a company to create a professional website?

A few years ago, it was very expensive to have a professional website, and few people and companies had an online page. But of course, it will depend a lot on the type of website you need. Usually, institutional sites are more affordable.

My opinion is that it is very worthwhile to hire a professional to create your company website. The cost benefit is very good, and you will not put your company’s credibility at risk.

If you do a quick search on the internet, you will find several company websites created on free platforms, and the result is not the best, or they are not technically qualified for SEO and mobile devices.

Why not create a free website for your business?

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why a company offered this type of service for free?

Make sure no one would do it without charging. That’s right, these services are not free.

These “free” sites are full of commercials, which leaves the page totally disorganized.

There are several reasons for not creating a free website for your company. Check it out below:

These pages are not responsive

A professional website must be responsive. This means that it must meet the needs of mobile devices.

According to research, most Brazilians usually access the internet from a mobile device.

Responsive pages are those that are lightweight, and that is not disfigured on mobile phones.

Don’t have SEO tools

Free sites do not have the tools to optimize texts with SEO, which gives more organic traffic.

On these platforms, it is impossible to define a password, and the memos also do not provide clean codes.

Lack of support

Imagine the number of people who have sites on these “free” platforms.

Do you believe that these companies can support all these people? If you have a problem with your site, you probably won’t get help in a timely manner.

Design limitation

These platforms, when offering “free” services, do not offer many options for templates.

If you choose a paid version, you will have more possibilities. However, they are not easy to configure.

There are many details that will define the organization and the professional appearance of the site.

Hardly a lay person will be able to use the editing tools properly.


This is a very important point and needs to be taken into account.

Those companies that offer free websites and blogs do not give you security.

Who guarantees that tomorrow or the day it will not go down and you will lose all your work?

The best option is to pay for a service that will make you feel safe and secure.

Disk space

Have you ever thought that everything you put on a website is stored somewhere?

Most free platforms have very little space, as they need to serve a lot of people.

Waking up one day and realizing that you can’t post an article because you don’t have space is frustrating.

How much does it cost to create a website?

This will depend a lot on what you want and the contracted company. The best thing to do is to research.

Search for the most reliable companies and see what the best cost benefit is.

We at Fervorelab develop websites according to the needs of each client.

We create responsive pages, with a unique design and intuitive administrative panel.

We provide tools for SEO optimization so that search engines easily found your business. Make sure that hiring a company to create a professional website for your company is the best option.

Get a free consultation with us to find out how you can improve your business by dropping us with an enquiry at or giving us a Call/WhatsApp on +65 8849 9352